Would would you do, given a chance to meet God?

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

YAY first blog post of 2007:

--My New Year’s resolution was to drop a few pounds. So far so good, although dieting is miserable as always. I’m actually pretty good about working out (5 days a week) and I drink almost a gallon of water a day. My problem is I eat like total crap. Now I’m trying to eat just a little less crappily. 4 pounds so far, 8 to go.

--BEST WINTER EVER: I went out to check my mail on Saturday and bundled up in my winter coat and Patriots knit cap. Then I stepped outside and realized it was just shy of 60 degrees. Plus there’s been zero snowfall, except for a light dusting that was gone the next day.

I hate winter. I hate snow. I hate being cold. Living in New England I’ve had to endure some crap weather in my life. I don’t know if it’s global warming or we’re just lucky, but this is A-OK by me.

--And, lastly, some of the search terms that brought people here:

Law and Order SVU cattle prod (Hopefully not looking for instructions)
Detective Goren lame (No, you’re lame!)
serena Sutherland (By far the most popular search term for my sight)
is peyton manning dating anyone? (No comment)
growing a beard first few weeks (Ummm)
Is eli manning dating anyone (I guess Peyton was taken)
does candlebox sing hey jealousy (They, in fact, do not)
desmond lost eddie vedder (Desmond, in fact, is not Eddie Vedder)


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