Would would you do, given a chance to meet God?

Thursday, April 08, 2004

As promised, here is the link for Bob’s book at the I-Universe site. Maybe now he’ll name an elf after me in the sequel.

In a completely distressing turn of events, Johnny went out and purchased American Idol washout William Hung’s CD (titled Inspiration) and actually played some of it for me. The novelty here is shitty covers of songs that were really shitty to begin with. Yeah, a guy who can’t sing is singing “Hotel California,” har har. This is going to have as long a shelf life as a glass of milk left out in the sun. Plus the CD comes with a DVD including the bonus feature “A Day in the Life of William Hung.” Be still my beating heart.

Not much to update on the Legal Music Download Crusade, as I’m still taking in the five CD’s worth of Jade Tree music. Joan of Arc really is a shitty, shitty band.

Oh, and the Wall Street vs. The Alcohol Industry episode of MXC airs at 10:00 tonight, and not 9:00 as stated below.

Probably no updates tomorrow—how about Saturday? Monday at the latest.


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