Would would you do, given a chance to meet God?

Monday, October 04, 2004

This is my fiftieth post to the blog. Yay.

Ray Traylor, better known as the Big Bossman in the WWF, passed away on 9/22 at the age of 42, reportedly from a heart attack. He was definitely one of my faves as a young (well, younger) wrestling fan. Traylor was a former prison guard in Cobb County, GA, and carried that occupation over to the wrestling ring, where he would wrestle in a policeman's uniform and beat his opponent with a nightstick post-match. He was a big fat redneck, but the man could move around in the ring. I even liked him when he was a bad guy, so imagine my delight when he became a good guy (when he wouldn't accept a bribe from Ted Dibiase). I remember excitedly calling my friend with the news, like I just watched the moon landing or something.

My three favorite wrestlers from that time frame (late 80's/early 90's) were the Bossman, Mr. Perfect, and Eartquake. Bossman and Perfect are both dead, and Earthquake was diagnosed with terminal cancer. Depressing.

Onto to other news...

Nothing on the Bravo contest yet.

The NY Times is reporting Craig Kilborn's replacement may be Michael Ian Black, formerly of the State and those VH-1 flashback specials. I think of all the people in the world I want to punch in the face, Michael Ian Black takes spots #1-7. I just cannot stand that smary "I'm being soooo ironic" brand of humor that isn't funny at all. I have to imagine ever his staunchest supporter would get tired of a straight hour of his shenanigans.

The Pats won their 18th straight game against Buffalo yesterday, 31-17. Not the champs' best efforts, but Buffalo had a hard time playing with all the gunshots in their feet. How do you jump offsides during a field goal try? How?

I'm reading Friday Night Lights now. Excellent book, if not a little depressing. I'm curious how the movie will be, but I can't help but feel I'm going to end up a little disappointed.

One last note:

Go Red Sox!


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