Would would you do, given a chance to meet God?

Thursday, November 04, 2004

Don't blame me, I voted for Bill n' Opus:

The Red Sox winning the World Series can carry you through a lot. Patroits lose a game to Pittsburgh? Big deal, the Sox won the World Series. Have a bad day at work? Screw it, you saw a World Series win. But Bush winning the election? I'm going to need two more World Series to make up for that. Maybe three.

I didn't think Bush did a very good job the past for years, so I voted against him. Apparently a lot of people agreed with me, but even more disagreed. Did people go to the polls and say "Man, Bush did a great job, he's got my vote." Or did they look at Kerry and say "What a tool. Guess I'll vote for Bush."

(For the record, I think Kerry's a tool as well, but was still largely preferable.)

You know what's going to suck (no, not the next four years, but a good guess)? The inevitable Jeb Bush/Hilary Clinton showdown in 2008.


Blogger Maestroken said...

Would I be correct in assuming you'll be partaking in the Liger goodness tonight?

1:28 PM

Blogger Joe said...

Yes I did. And you must weep jealous tears at my newly obtained official CTU t-shirt. More later.

1:51 AM


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