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Thursday, May 24, 2007

LOST Season Finale Thoughts

"Through the Looking Glass" - a very apt title tonight.

I thought something was amiss with Jack's flashback (actually revealed to be a flash forward if you want to discuss at the water cooler tomorrow), because him growing a beard and getting addicted to OxyContin seemed a pretty big event to cram into his pre-Island timeline.

Of course, this all means that they got off the island. How will the show work now? Will flashbacks be replaced by flash forwards?

And who was in the casket? Seems like it'd be either Sawyer (most likely, since Jack would expectr Kate to be at his funeral, plus who would show up for Sawyer?), Ben (if he was forced off the island his cancer would be back, and again, who would show up for his funeral?), or Locke (maybe Kate got pissed Locke stopped them from getting off the island, which is why she didn't show up, and yet again, who would show up for Locke's funeral?).

High body count tonight - Charlie, ten of the Others at the camp, Greta & Bonnie, Naomi, and Mikhail (maybe).

Sigh, February can't come soon enough...

Oh, and the funeral parlor Jack visited was called Hoffs/Drawler, which is an anagram for ...flash forward.


Blogger met said...

not like it's a big difference or anything, but he was addicted to oxycodone, not oxycotin

3:03 PM


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