Would would you do, given a chance to meet God?

Monday, April 19, 2004

True to my word, I finished Michael Chabon's The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay on Saturday. It's really a wonderful book. It's about two young men, Sam and Joe, the former from Brooklyn and the latter his cousin from Prague, who create a superhero called the Escapist (based on Joe's escape from the Nazis in Europe) that becomes a smash hit. It seems to be loosely based on Jerry Schuster and Joe Siegel, the creators of Superman (even though Superman exists in the book alongside the Escapist).

If you hear "comic books" and want to pass, don't. Comics are only a part of the story, although it does help to be a fan to spot all the references and subtle homages. But Chabon's style is wonderful, and if your still doubting, he won the Pullitzer for it. Highest recommendation.

Big Boston sports day. I went down to the gym and got to see the end of the Red Sox game, then saw the winners of the Boston Marathon cross the finish line (the male winner puked on camera, and apparently the female winner pissed all over herself. Makes you want to get a pair of running shoes, huh?). The Bruins lost, which would bother me if I gave two shits about hockey.

Big week coming up, Thursday in particular. More later.


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