Would would you do, given a chance to meet God?

Friday, April 23, 2004

So yeah, yesterday…

I went to the dentist. Most people go twice a year, lucky me gets to go four times at least. I have bad gums (even needing a couple of surgical procedures) so I have to go every three months to keep and eye on things. Everything seemed okay, and the whole thing was about as good as a trip to the dentist can be.

They’re doing major work on I-290, basically shutting down the right lane and closing down a few exits. Traffic now officially sucks ass at all times. Even driving home at 10 PM I saw that traffic heading east was almost completely stopped. There are few things that aggravate me more than sitting in traffic, but now I find myself stuck in a jam no matter when I leave in the morning.

Went to a speed dating thing last night. Almost passed out when I thought I saw my ex there (but it wasn’t her). Met some nice people. We’ll see how things work out.


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